What can we do about nitrogen pollution?

The good news is that we can all be part of the solution too!  By reducing the amount of nitrogen that we discharge into the ground from our wastewater and stormwater systems, we can prevent or reverse nitrogen pollution.  Simple actions such as limiting the use of fertilizer and picking up after your dog help. 

Conventional Title 5 septic systems do not remove enough nitrogen from household wastewater – even when properly functioning.  In fact, the largest source of nitrogen pollution to Mashpee waters currently comes from Title 5 septic systems.  Innovations in septic system design have been made and there are now systems available that provide enhanced nitrogen removal, though not nearly enough to solve our nitrogen problem.

Centralized wastewater treatment plants provide much better nitrogen removal than septic systems.  Treatment facilities can be designed to provide greater nitrogen removal during processing.  If the correct locations are selected, nitrogen can be removed from our most over-stressed watersheds or be located where natural processes which take place in our fresh water systems can provide further nitrogen reduction.  Recharging groundwater has the added benefit of keeping water local by returning it to the rivers, streams and estuaries that it came from. 

The Town is doing its part to improve and protect Mashpee’s waters by implementing the WNMP It’s critical for Mashpee residents and businesses to also be involved in the Project.  You are part of the problem – and must be part of the solution.  You can learn more about the problem with nutrients in Mashpee waters by visiting the Cape Cod Water Protection Collaborative’s website. Read more about Mashpee’s efforts to solve the problem by visiting the About the Project section of this website, participate in Sewer Commission meetings and add your voice to our community’s discussion about the options.  The Sewer Commission has recommended a plan, which has received county and state approval.  Residents will be asked to provide the funds needed to implement the plan, so please stay informed. 

Photo of Popponesset Bay surrounded by greeen trees -  motor boat pictured in the Bay
Popponesset Bay