Directory of Service Providers

Adult Education / Recreation

Alzheimer and Caregiver Support

Disabilities - Individuals with Disabilities

Domestic Violence Resources

Elder Abuse and Neglect and Elder Self-Neglect

Financial Assistance

Food Assistance

Fuel Assistance

General Information

Health Insurance

Hospitals and Health Centers


Legal Assistance

Mental Health Resources and Suicide Prevention

Substance Use



Disclaimer: The Mashpee Senior Center offers many legal, financial, recreational, medical screening or other services and/or activities by volunteer or nominal-cost practitioners. Seniors participating in these services do so with the understanding that the Mashpee Council on Aging, the Mashpee Senior Center, the Town of Mashpee or its employees do not assume any legal responsibility for any advice or services rendered by such volunteer or nominal practitioner. Any act or advice or service by outside providers at the Council on Aging should not be presumed to be endorsed and sponsored by the Council on Aging.