Mashpee Complete Streets Prioritization Plan

Request for Public Input
The Department of Public Works requests your participation in the development of a Complete Streets Prioritization Plan for the Town of Mashpee.  The purpose of a Complete Street is to provide safe mobility and accessibility for all users of a road including pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders, not just motorists.
DPW is currently working on a Prioritization Plan with Stantec Consulting.  This plan, which will be updated annually, will help the Town select projects for future funding, either from state or local sources. 
The Town would like your input in identifying areas of concerns and potential projects for inclusion in the plan.  For example, you might note need for a crosswalk, identify a roadway section where a new sidewalk should be constructed or request “Share the Road” signage for bicyclists on a specific road.   
Comments can be submitted by using the below link -  
Or by emailing
Please submit comments by August 13, 2020 for consideration in the Prioritization Plan.