What Does the Green Stake on My Lawn Mean?

Sample photo of the "green stake"

During design of the sewer collection system, the design engineers were able to obtain septic system location drawings from the Mashpee Board of Health for the majority of properties in the sewer service area.  Based on this information, they were able to make an educated guess as to the best location for the Town to install the new sewer service lateral at the property line (this service lateral stub is where the homeowner will connect their new sewer service to).

Additionally, the designers also considered obstacles that may be encountered between the point where the homeowner's contractor would intercept the septic line leaving the structure and connection of the new sewer lateral to the Town stub at the property line.  Obstacles such as trees, shrubs, septic tanks, leach basin covers, etc. were factored into the final location determination.

The Green Stake represents this location.  It is the engineer's best guess based on all available information as to where the sewer service lateral should be connected.

As construction of the sewer system progresses, the Town's contractor will place these stakes in front of homes approximately 2-3 weeks in advance of when they expect to be installing mains on your street.  They will also leave a one-page letter at your door with instructions as to what you need to do.  For most homes, the location of the stake will be close to where your contractor will want to make the connection.  If you are unsure as to whether the stake is in the best location, you should consult with your contractor.

Confirming where your service lateral should be located is all that a property owner needs to do at this time.  Connection of any property to the new sewer laterals at the property line cannot occur until the sewer collection system and the wastewater treatment plant are sufficiently complete to accept the wastewater.  This will likely occur in mid 2024.  You will receive a letter from the Town in advance of that time informing you of the timeline for your connection.

The installation of the new service lateral from your structure to the sewer lateral stub at your property line as well as the proper abandonment of your septic system is the responsibility of the property owner.  You will need to engage the services of a licensed utility installer (contractor) to perform this work (click here for a list of local licensed utility installers).