What is expected of property owners?Once the Town's sewer main is installed along a street, the property MUST be connected to the sewer system for wastewater treatment in a timely manner.  It is the property owner's responsibility to install the property's sewer service lateral line for property connection to the main sewer line "stub" installed along the street curb with a "Green Stake".  Once the sewer service is functional, the property owner is also responsible for the proper abandonment of any existing septic system on their property in accordance with applicable regulations.
What happens to the septic tank after connection to Mashpee's sewer system?Once the property is connected to the Town's sewer, the existing septic system must be formally abandoned in accordance with requirements of the Town of Mashpee's Health Department.
Will the Town of Mashpee help property owners choose contractors to connect to the sewer lines?The Town's assistance is limited by law to providing a list of qualified licensed contractors for property owners to choose from.  The list of local licensed utility installers is maintained and published by Mashpee's Board of Health.  When sourcing a qualified licensed utility installer, it is important for you also qualify their ability to properly abandon the existing septic system once the new sewer system is properly servicing your property.
What basic information should property owners be prepared to provide on an initial call to a licensed contractor?The initial contact with a contractor should be for the purpose of getting a quote to: 1) install a sewer service lateral from the building to the street property line where the Town's connection stub will be located with a "Green Stake"; and 2) to properly abandon the existing septic system.  Most contractors won't charge for a quote.
What basic questions should property owners be prepared to ask a licensed contractor to compare their qualifications, experience, cost, schedule, and reliability to complete the connection of the property to the sewer main?For scheduling, the owner should advise the contractor that the connection timeframe will be some time in 2024 for Phase 1 neighborhoods (details to be determined).  Reliability is a good question because property owners don't want a contractor who can't meet the timeline for connection (if they are over booked).  As for cost, owners may wish to consider organizing with neighbors to obtain a combined quote, which could prove more cost effective for the group.
How is the sewer connection contractor selected by a property owner and in what time frame?Property owners should consider evaluating the relevant experience/qualifications of contractors along with their estimated sewer connection costs prior to selection.  Connection costs will largely depend on the actual site conditions of each property, particularly the home's distance from the sewer service connection point.  In cases where the home's lower elevation requires a pump to lift waste to the street's sewer main, the Town will provide the pump for installation.  Property owners will be notified by the Town when the municipal system is ready to accept wastewater service.  Per Sewer Regulations, owners will have 90 (ninety) days from receipt of this notification to complete the installation of its sewer connection.  Once the sewer system is properly servicing a home, the owner's contractor should complete and report proper abandonment of the septic system to Mashpee's Board of Health.